Package org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy

Implementation of lazy loading.


Interface Summary
LazySelectable Interface for notifying and performing lazy select cascades.

Class Summary
AbstractLazySelector<R> Typical state and behavior for performing lazy select cascades.
DurableLazySelector<R> A lazy cascade selector that uses a DataSource or data source name to create the Database when performing the lazy select.
SimpleLazySelector<R> A lazy cascade selector that uses the same Database that was used to select source row.

Exception Summary
LazyCascadeException Exception that originates with lazy cascade operations.

Package org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy Description

Implementation of lazy loading. When SelectCascade.lazy() true, for a field, the field is not selected when the source row is selected. The lazy select field can be selected at a later time by using the method AbstractLazySelector.checkLazySelects(String) in one of the subclasses SimpleLazySelector, DurableLazySelector, your own subclass, or your own implementation of LazySelectable.

See org.sormula.tests.cascade.lazy package in this project for examples.