Uses of Class

Packages that use SaveCascade
org.sormula.annotation.cascade Annotations for defining cascade relationships between two row classes. 
org.sormula.operation.cascade Classes that perform cascade (one-to-many and one-to-one) operations that are defined by cascade annotations. 

Uses of SaveCascade in org.sormula.annotation.cascade

Methods in org.sormula.annotation.cascade that return SaveCascade
 SaveCascade[] SaveCascadeAnnotationReader.getSaveCascades()

Uses of SaveCascade in org.sormula.operation.cascade

Constructors in org.sormula.operation.cascade with parameters of type SaveCascade
SaveCascadeOperation(SormulaField<S,?> targetField, Table<T> targetTable, SaveCascade saveCascadeAnnotation)
          Constructor used by SaveOperation.