Uses of Class

Packages that use OperationException
org.sormula.operation Classes that perform SQL operations such as select, update, insert, delete. 
org.sormula.operation.aggregate Classes that perform SQL aggregate operations such as MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT. 
org.sormula.operation.cascade Classes that perform cascade (one-to-many and one-to-one) operations that are defined by cascade annotations. 

Uses of OperationException in org.sormula.operation

Methods in org.sormula.operation that throw OperationException
protected abstract  boolean SelectOperation.add(R row)
          Implement to add row to collection created SelectOperation.createReadAllCollection().
protected  boolean MapSelectOperation.add(R row)
          Implement to add row to collection created SelectOperation.createReadAllCollection().
 void SqlOperation.cancel()
          Requests cancel for currently executing statement.
protected  void SqlOperation.cascade(R row, boolean post)
          Executes all cascade operations that were created by SqlOperation.prepareCascades().
 void SqlOperation.close()
          Cleans up after operation is no longer needed.
 void ScalarSelectOperation.close()
          Cleans up after operation is no longer needed.
 void SaveOperation.close()
 void ModifyOperation.close()
          Cleans up after operation is no longer needed.
protected  void SqlOperation.closeCascades()
          Closes the CascadeOperation objects for this operation.
protected  void SqlOperation.closeStatement()
          Closes the prepared statement for this operation.
protected  SormulaField<R,?> SqlOperation.createTargetField(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Creates a SormulaField from Field.
 int DeleteOperation.delete(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Deletes rows based upon parameters.
 int DeleteOperation.delete(R row)
          Deletes a row.
 int DeleteOperation.deleteAll(java.util.Collection<R> rows)
          Deletes all rows in collection.
abstract  void SqlOperation.execute()
          Invokes an execute method on a prepared statement.
 void ScalarSelectOperation.execute()
          Performs query.
 void SaveOperation.execute()
 void ModifyOperation.execute()
          Executes operation for all row parameters using current prepared statement.
 R FullSelect.execute(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
 R FullScalarSelect.execute(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
 R FullSelect.execute(R whereParameters)
          Deprecated. Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
 R FullScalarSelect.execute(R whereParameters)
          Deprecated. Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
 int FullModify.execute(R row)
          Deprecated. Modifies one row.
 int FullModify.executeAll(java.util.Collection<R> rows)
          Deprecated. Modifies a collection of rows.
 C FullSelect.executeAll(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Set parameters, executes, reads all rows in result set, closes.
 C FullSelect.executeAll(R whereParameters)
          Deprecated. Set parameters, executes, reads all rows in result set, closes.
 int FullModify.executeObject(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Deprecated. Modifies row(s) with sql parametes as Objects
protected  K MapSelectOperation.getKey(R row)
          Gets key for row.
protected  Table<?> SqlOperation.getTargetTable(java.lang.Class<?> targetClass, java.lang.reflect.Field targetField)
          Gets a table object from database associated with this operation.
 int InsertOperation.insert(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Inserts rows based upon parameters.
 int InsertOperation.insert(R row)
          Inserts a row.
 int InsertOperation.insertAll(java.util.Collection<R> rows)
          Inserts all rows in collection.
 int ModifyOperation.modify(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Modifies row(s) with sql parametes as Objects
 int ModifyOperation.modify(R row)
          Modifies one row.
 int ModifyOperation.modifyAll(java.util.Collection<R> rows)
          Modifies a collection of rows.
protected  void SaveOperation.postExecute(R row)
          Invoked after JDBC execute.
protected  void ModifyOperation.postExecute(R row)
          Invoked after JDBC execute.
protected  void InsertOperation.postExecute(R row)
          Updates identity column with generated key if SqlOperation.isAutoGeneratedKeys() is true.
protected  void SaveOperation.postExecuteCascade(R row)
          Invoked after JDBC execute.
protected  void ModifyOperation.postExecuteCascade(R row)
          Invoked after JDBC execute.
protected  void ScalarSelectOperation.postReadCascade(R row)
          Invoked after reading row.
protected  void SaveOperation.preExecute(R row)
          Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
protected  void ModifyOperation.preExecute(R row)
          Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
protected  void SaveOperation.preExecuteCascade(R row)
          Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
protected  void ModifyOperation.preExecuteCascade(R row)
          Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
protected  void SqlOperation.prepare()
          Creates prepared statement for this operation and invokes SqlOperation.prepareCascades() to prepare statements for any cascade operations.
protected  void MapSelectOperation.prepare()
          Creates prepared statement for this operation and invokes SqlOperation.prepareCascades() to prepare statements for any cascade operations.
protected  void SqlOperation.prepareCascades()
          Prepares cascades for all cascade annotations on row class.
protected  java.util.List<CascadeOperation<R,?>> UpdateOperation.prepareCascades(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
protected abstract  java.util.List<CascadeOperation<R,?>> SqlOperation.prepareCascades(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
protected  java.util.List<CascadeOperation<R,?>> ScalarSelectOperation.prepareCascades(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
protected  java.util.List<CascadeOperation<R,?>> SaveOperation.prepareCascades(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Creates save cascade operations based upon the save annotations for field.
protected  java.util.List<CascadeOperation<R,?>> InsertOperation.prepareCascades(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
protected  java.util.List<CascadeOperation<R,?>> DeleteOperation.prepareCascades(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
protected  void SqlOperation.prepareCheck()
          Prepares statement with SqlOperation.prepare() if it is null.
protected  void SqlOperation.prepareColumns(R row)
protected  void DeleteOperation.prepareColumns(R row)
protected  void SqlOperation.prepareParameters()
protected  void SqlOperation.prepareWhere(R row)
protected  void ScalarSelectOperation.preReadCascade(R row)
          Invoked prior to reading row.
protected  void InsertOperation.processIdentityColumn(R row)
          Reads the generated key using Statement.getGeneratedKeys().
 C SelectOperation.readAll()
          Reads all rows from current result set.
 java.lang.Integer SelectCountOperation.readCount()
          Reads the count of rows.
 R SelectCountOperation.readNext()
          Use SelectCountOperation.readCount() instead.
 R ScalarSelectOperation.readNext()
          Reads one row from current result set.
 int parameters)
          Saves rows based upon parameters.
 int row)
          Saves a row.
 int SaveOperation.saveAll(java.util.Collection<R> rows)
          Saves all rows in collection.
 R parameters)
          Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
 R whereParameters)
          Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
 C SelectOperation.selectAll(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Set parameters, executes, reads all rows in result set, closes.
 C SelectOperation.selectAll(R whereParameters)
          Set parameters, executes, reads all rows in result set, closes.
 void MapSelectOperation.setGetKeyMethodName(java.lang.String getKeyMethodName)
          Sets the get key method.
 void ScalarSelectOperation.setOrderBy(java.lang.String orderByName)
          Sets order of results in list.
 void SqlOperation.setWhere(java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Sets where condition from annotation name as defined in for row.
 int UpdateOperation.update(java.lang.Object... parameters)
          Updates rows based upon parameters.
 int UpdateOperation.update(R row)
          Updates a row.
 int UpdateOperation.updateAll(java.util.Collection<R> rows)
          Updates all rows in collection.
protected  void SqlOperation.writeColumns(R row)
          Sets all column parameters from a row using the table's RowTranslator.
protected  void DeleteOperation.writeColumns(R row)
          Does nothing since delete statements have no columns.
protected  void SqlOperation.writeParameters()
          Prepares statement and then sets all parameters with PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object).
protected  void SqlOperation.writeWhere(R row)
          Sets all where parameters from a row using the table's WhereTranslator.

Constructors in org.sormula.operation that throw OperationException
ArrayListSelectOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for a table.
ArrayListSelectOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs for a table and where condition.
DeleteOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs standard sql delete for primary key as:
DELETE FROM table WHERE primary key clause
DeleteOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs for standard sql delete statement as:
HashMapSelectOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for a table.
HashMapSelectOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs for a table and where condition.
InsertOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for standard sql insert statement as:
INSERT INTO table (c1, c2, c3, ...) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ...)
LinkedHashMapSelectOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for a table.
LinkedHashMapSelectOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs for a table and where condition.
ListSelectOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for a table to select by primary key.
ListSelectOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs for a table and where condition.
MapSelectOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for a table.
MapSelectOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs for a table and where condition.
ModifyOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for a table.
SaveOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs to update by primary key or insert if update fails.
SaveOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs to update by where condition or insert if update fails.
ScalarSelectOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs standard sql select by primary key as:
SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
ScalarSelectOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs standard sql select by primary key as:
SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
SelectCountOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs standard sql select by primary key as:
SelectCountOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs standard sql select as:
SelectOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs standard sql to select by primary key as: SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
SelectOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs standard sql to by a where condition: SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
SqlOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs for a table.
UpdateOperation(Table<R> table)
          Constructs standard sql update for primary key as:
UPDATE table SET c1=?, c2=?, c3...
UpdateOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String whereConditionName)
          Constructs for standard sql update statement as:
UPDATE table SET c1=?, c2=?, c3...

Uses of OperationException in org.sormula.operation.aggregate

Methods in org.sormula.operation.aggregate that throw OperationException
 T SelectAggregateOperation.readAggregate()
          Reads the aggregate value from the current result set.

Constructors in org.sormula.operation.aggregate that throw OperationException
SelectAggregateOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String function, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT f(e), ...
SelectAvgOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT AVG(e), ...
SelectCountOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SelectMaxOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT MAX(e), ...
SelectMinOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT MIN(e), ...
SelectSumOperation(Table<R> table, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT SUM(e), ...

Uses of OperationException in org.sormula.operation.cascade

Methods in org.sormula.operation.cascade that throw OperationException
 void SelectCascadeOperation.cascade(S sourceRow)
          Performs cascade operation.
 void ModifyCascadeOperation.cascade(S sourceRow)
          Performs cascade operation.
abstract  void CascadeOperation.cascade(S sourceRow)
          Performs cascade operation.
 void SelectCascadeOperation.close()
          Cleans up by closing any JDBC resources.
 void ModifyCascadeOperation.close()
          Cleans up by closing any JDBC resources.
abstract  void CascadeOperation.close()
          Cleans up by closing any JDBC resources.
protected  SqlOperation<?> UpdateCascadeOperation.createOperation()
          Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
protected  SqlOperation<?> SaveCascadeOperation.createOperation()
          Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
protected  SqlOperation<?> DeleteCascadeOperation.createOperation()
          Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
protected  SqlOperation<?> CascadeOperation.createOperation()
          Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
 void SelectCascadeOperation.prepare()
          Prepares operation by initializing JDBC statements.
 void ModifyCascadeOperation.prepare()
          Prepares operation by initializing JDBC statements.
abstract  void CascadeOperation.prepare()
          Prepares operation by initializing JDBC statements.
protected  void SelectCascadeOperation.prepareParameterFields()
          Uses reflection to get fields for each of the source class variables that will be read from source and set as parameters on cascade operation.
protected  void SelectCascadeOperation.setParameters(S sourceRow)
          SelectCascadeOperation.cascade(S) invokes this method to set parameters in cascade operation based upon parameter fields that were created by SelectCascadeOperation.prepareParameterFields().
protected  T[] SelectCascadeOperation.toTargetArray(java.util.Collection<T> c)