Uses of Class

Packages that use ScalarSelectOperation
org.sormula.operation Classes that perform SQL operations such as select, update, insert, delete. 
org.sormula.operation.aggregate Classes that perform SQL aggregate operations such as MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT. 

Uses of ScalarSelectOperation in org.sormula.operation

Subclasses of ScalarSelectOperation in org.sormula.operation
 class ArrayListSelectOperation<R>
          ListSelectOperation that uses ArrayList for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
 class HashMapSelectOperation<K,R>
          MapSelectOperation that uses HashMap for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
 class LinkedHashMapSelectOperation<K,R>
          MapSelectOperation that uses LinkedHashMap for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
 class ListSelectOperation<R>
          SelectOperation that uses List for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
 class MapSelectOperation<K,R>
          SelectOperation that uses Map for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
 class SelectCountOperation<R>
          SQL select count of records operation.
 class SelectOperation<R,C>
          SQL select operation returning a collection of rows.

Methods in org.sormula.operation that return ScalarSelectOperation
 ScalarSelectOperation<R> FullScalarSelect.getSelectOperation()
          Deprecated. Gets select operation supplied in constructor.

Constructors in org.sormula.operation with parameters of type ScalarSelectOperation
FullScalarSelect(ScalarSelectOperation<R> scalarSelectOperation)
          Deprecated. Constructs for a scalar select operation.

Uses of ScalarSelectOperation in org.sormula.operation.aggregate

Subclasses of ScalarSelectOperation in org.sormula.operation.aggregate
 class SelectAggregateOperation<R,T>
          Operation to select a value using an aggregate sql function like MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, etc.
 class SelectAvgOperation<R,T>
          SQL AVG aggregate operation.
 class SelectMaxOperation<R,T>
          SQL MAX aggregate operation.
 class SelectMinOperation<R,T>
          SQL MIN aggregate operation.
 class SelectSumOperation<R,T>
          SQL SUM aggregate operation.