Uses of Class

Packages that use Database
org.sormula Fundamental classes. An implementation of the active record pattern built on top of sormula. Thread-safe and transaction-compliant database operations used by ActiveTable
org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy Implementation of lazy loading. 

Uses of Database in org.sormula

Methods in org.sormula that return Database
 Database Table.getDatabase()
          Gets the database supplied in constructor.

Constructors in org.sormula with parameters of type Database
Table(Database database, java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
          Constructs for a database and the class that used for row objects.

Uses of Database in

Methods in with parameters of type Database
 void ActiveRecord.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          Informs a lazy selector that there are lazy selects to be performed.

Uses of Database in

Subclasses of Database in
 class OperationDatabase
          Database for one transaction within an ActiveOperation.

Uses of Database in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy

Methods in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy that return Database
 Database AbstractLazySelector.getDatabase()
          Gets the database to use for lazy select.
protected  Database AbstractLazySelector.initDatabase()

Methods in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy with parameters of type Database
 void SimpleLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          Saves reference to database for use in future lazy selects.
 void LazySelectable.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          Informs a lazy selector that there are lazy selects to be performed.
 void DurableLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          DataSource and schema are obtained from database parameter.
 void AbstractLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          Notifies selector that at least one field has lazy select to be performed.
 void AbstractLazySelector.setDatabase(Database database)
          Sets the database to use for lazy selects.