Uses of Class

Packages that use LazyCascadeException
org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy Implementation of lazy loading. 

Uses of LazyCascadeException in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy

Methods in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy that throw LazyCascadeException
 void LazySelectable.checkLazySelects(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Checks if lazy select needs to be performed.
 void AbstractLazySelector.checkLazySelects(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Checks if field should be selected.
protected  void SimpleLazySelector.closeDatabase()
          Does nothing since Database from SimpleLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database) is resued.
protected  void DurableLazySelector.closeDatabase()
          Closes Database created with DurableLazySelector.openDatabase().
protected abstract  void AbstractLazySelector.closeDatabase()
          Invoked by AbstractLazySelector.checkLazySelects(String) to close the Database instance that was used to perform the lazy selects.
protected  Database AbstractLazySelector.initDatabase()
protected  void AbstractLazySelector.initPendingLazySelectCascadeFields()
          Initializes map of all fields that have a lazy select.
protected  void AbstractLazySelector.lazySelect(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Performs lazy select for all select cascades of field where SelectCascade.lazy() is true.
protected  void SimpleLazySelector.openDatabase()
          Does nothing since Database from SimpleLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database) is resued.
protected  void DurableLazySelector.openDatabase()
          Creates a new instance of a Database from data source name or data source obtained in DurableLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database).
protected abstract  void AbstractLazySelector.openDatabase()
          Invoked by AbstractLazySelector.checkLazySelects(String) to create a Database instance that will be used to perform the lazy selects.
 void SimpleLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          Saves reference to database for use in future lazy selects.
 void LazySelectable.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          Informs a lazy selector that there are lazy selects to be performed.
 void DurableLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          DataSource and schema are obtained from database parameter.
 void AbstractLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database database)
          Notifies selector that at least one field has lazy select to be performed.